Raoul Bénard (1881-1961)

born in Elbeuf, French medallist and sculptor, studied with Coutain, Chaplain and Vernon

Biography and works in French medallic art 1870-1940 (p. 314-316)

  • 285. Elégie (Elegy)
  • 286. Voyages d'études médicales aux stations hydrominérales et climatiques (Medical Study Trips to Spas and Health Resorts)
  • 287. Jeux de la VIIIe Olympiade à Paris 1924 (Games of the VIII Olympiad in Paris 1924)
  • 288. Chambre de commerce de Perpignan (Perpignan Chamber of Commerce)
  • 289. Alcázar de Toledo

Selection of other medals and plaquettes