Louis Bottée (1852-1941)

born in Paris, French medallist and sculptor, studied with Millet, Dumont and Ponscarme

Biography and works in French medallic art 1870-1940 (p. 193-199)

  • 33. Aux Poëtes sans gloire (To the Unknown Poets)
  • 130. La guerre du Chili contre le Pérou et la Bolivie (Chile's War against Peru and Bolivia)
  • 131. Médaille de récompense de l'Exposition universelle de Paris (1889) (Prize Medal for the Universal Exhibition in Paris)
  • 132. Inauguration du port de Calais (Opening of Calais Harbour)
  • 133. Médaille commémorative de l'Exposition universelle de Chicago (1893) (Commemorative Medal for the Universal Exhibition in Chicago)
  • 134. Centenaire du Muséum d'histoire naturelle (Centenary of the Museum of Natural History)
  • 135. Félix Guyon
  • 136. Société des Parisiens de Paris (Society of Parisians of Paris)
  • 137. Le Commerce glorifié par la charité et le culte du beau (Commerce Glorified by Charity and the Worship of Beauty)
  • 138. Centenaire de l'Internat (Centenary of Housemanship)
  • 139. Photinos Panas
  • 140. Plaquette commémorative de l'Exposition universelle de San Francisco (1915) (Commemorative Plaquette for the universal Exhibition in San Francisco)

Selection of other medals and plaquettes